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Thank you for being a part of K-Community Challenge!

Please have a look at these videos of participants below!

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|| [K-Community Challenge] Minyo_India_Dhanshree||#kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival

|| [K-Community Challenge] Minyo_India_Dhanshree||#kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival

नमस्ते कोरिया (Hello Korea)🙏!! 안녕하세요. . I'm Dhanshree Rao from India. Participant of K-Community Festival Challenge 2021, The Genre I've selected is Minyo (Korean Folk Song). The Minyo (Korean folk song) literally means the song of folklore. Therefore, Minyo is the traditional music sung most frequently by Koreans. About me singing Minyo, when I first heard the song I was amazed to see how well the teacher was singing, the song has high and low pitch both. When I tried to sing for the first time, I couldn't raise up my voice like the teacher does. So I listened the song again and again and read the lyrics daily so that I can pronounce the lyrics properly. Then, after practicing daily for 1 week I learnt the lyrics & music but having difficulty in some lines. I don't know I say it the power of music, impact of music or what on the day when I was recording my final performance I sang the whole song perfectly (for me it was perfect). Being an Indian, I wore a traditional Indian folk print Outfit, with the folk art on it. The Bright yellow colour of the outfit represents "खुशियां (happiness/Harmony)". So, I gave the Indian Folk look with Korean Folk singing. Keeping in view about the India-Korea Friendship and Bond. Being a K-influencer and Korean culture promoter, I must tell it was really an amazing experience singing Minyo. I gave my best, & I'll be looking forward to more wonderful events related to Korean culture.Thank you so much for helding the event. Hope you liked my video. 감사합니다.🇰🇷😇💜 . For viewers who are interested to take part in K-Community Festival Challenge, you can select the genre according to your convenience. There are particularly four genres:- 1) Minyo {Korean Folk Song} 2) Seoye {Korean calligraphy} 3) Sogochum {Small Drum Dance} 4) Hallyangmu (Prodigal man dance} Just Go to their website :- And download the music as per the genre and there you go, all set to take part. . • K-Community Challenge YouTube channel:- • Reference video link (Minyo):- • Follow on IG:- • My IG:- . #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS

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[K-Community Challenge] Sogochum_Brazil_ABRADACO

[K-Community Challenge] Sogochum_Brazil_ABRADACO

This video is our entry for the “K-Community Challenge 2021 - Sogochum”. It is a cover challenge where people around the world are invited to learn about Korean traditional arts and share their own performance videos. → Check more about the festival: → Check videos of our practices and also our entry for Hallyangmu: ✶ About Sogochum The name sogo literally means “small drum” but the instrument actually varies in name and size depending on region. These differences arose because such musical instruments were handmade by the villagers themselves in the past. When making sogo, the villagers used the round frame of a sieve, an everyday implement. Leather was rare, so they also used cloth in place of leather. As cloth produces no sound when used as it is, it was repeatedly oiled and dried and the gap filled with candle drippings to make the drum hard enough to be used as a musical instrument. As the sound of the sogo cannot be heard well when played with others nongak (farmers’ music) instruments, such as kkwaenggwari (small hand-held gong) and janggu (hourglass-shaped drum), the sogo functions as a prop for dance rather than as a musical instrument. It is true that the sogo players pay more attention to the expression of gestures and artistic ecstasy and exhilaration than the way they sound the drum. This is why the term sogochum (sogo dance) is widely used. ✵ About us ABRADACO, which is the short form of “Associação Brasileira de Dança Tradicional Coreana” (Brazilian Association of Traditional Korean Dance or 브라질한국무용협회) was born in 2017 as we started gathering every Saturday together in Bom Retiro (a Korean neighborhood in Sao Paulo) to learn more about the Korean Traditional Dance. Since then we started rehearsing and performing to help spread the Korean culture we all love. → Follow us on instagram and facebook: @dancacoreana ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀_____________________________ Esse vídeo é nossa inscrição para “K-Community Challenge 2021 - Sogochum”. É um desafio de cover onde pessoas do mundo todo são convidadas a aprenderem sobre as artes tradicionais coreanas e compartilham os vídeos de suas versões. → Saiba mais sobre o festival: → Veja nossos ensaios e também nossa inscrição para o Hallyangmu: ✶ Sobre Sogochum O nome sogo significa “pequeno tambor”, mas o instrumento, na verdade, varia de nome e tamanho de acordo com a região. Essas diferenças decorrem devido ao fato que esse instrumento musical era feito a mão pelos aldeões no passado. Para fazer o sogo, os aldeões usavam a moldura redonda de uma peneira, um instrumento do dia a dia. Como o couro era raro, eles usavam tecido no lugar do couro. Como o tecido não costuma produzir som, eles oleavam e secavam o tecido e preenchiam as lacunas com cera de vela para deixar o tambor duro o suficiente para ser utilizado como instrumento musical. Como o som do sogo não pode ser ouvido bem quando tocado junto com outros instrumentos de nongak (música dos agricultores), como o kkwaenggawari (pequeno gongo de mão) e o janggu (tambor em forma de ampulheta), o sogo funciona como um adereço para dança mais do que um instrumento musical. É verdade que os tocadores de sogo prestam mais atenção à expressão dos gestos, ao êxtase artístico e alegria, do que no som do tambor. É por esse motivo que o termo sogochum (dança do sogo) é muito utilizado. ✵ Sobre nós ABRADACO - que é a versão abreviada “Associação Brasileira de Dança Tradicional Coreana” (브라질한국무용협회) - nasceu em 2017 quando nos começamos a nos reunir todo sábado no Bom Retiro (bairro coreano em São Paulo) para aprender mais sobre a dança tradicional coreana. Desde então começamos a ensaiar e realizar performances para ajudar a espalhar a cultura coreana que tanto amamos. → Sigam-nos no instagram e facebook: @dancacoreana ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀_____________________________ #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS
[K-Community Challenge] Sogochum_Indonesia_Yanna

[K-Community Challenge] Sogochum_Indonesia_Yanna

Hi, everyone. It's K-Traditional Time! Hello, I am K-Community Challenge participant from Indonesia, Yanna. This is my first time learning Sogochum. What is Sogochum? Let's learn it together! This is my final video submission for K-Community Festival, K-Community Challenge 2021. You can see the details about this event here: In this video i wear Indonesia traditional clothes (the skirt) named Batik. Batik is considered a cultural icon in modern Indonesia. On October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian Batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. On May 2021, West Java Governor, Mr Ridwan Kamil gave Super Junior Lee Teuk and Yesung batik as gift, and they also posted on their instagram. I hope my video playing Sogochum while wearing Batik will be considered as good relationship between Indonesia and Korea. Love from Indonesia! Article about 2021 K-Community Challenge on my blog: Post about 2021 K-Community Challenge: - on our Community (Indonesia/INKOCF): - on Korean Cultural Center Indonesia: and 안녕하세요 여러분~ K-Traditional Time입니다! 안녕하세요, 인도네시아에서 온 K-커뮤니티 챌린지 참가자 얀나입니다. 처음으로 소고춤을 배우게 되었습다. 소고춤이란 뭘까요? 함께 배워봅시다! 제 K-커뮤니티 페스티벌, 2021년 K-커뮤니티 챌린지의 마지막 영상입니다. 이 이벤트에 대한 자세한 내용은 이 링크에서 확인하실 수 있습니다 : 이번 영상에서는 바틱이라는 인도네시아 전통 의상(스커트)을 입었습니다. 바틱은 현대 인도네시아의 문화 아이콘으로 간주됩니다. 2009년 10월에 유네스코는 인도네시아 바틱을 인류의 구전 및 무형 유산 걸작으로 지정했습니다. 2021년 5월에 서부 자바 '리드완 카밀' 주지사님이 슈퍼주니어 이특과 예성님께 자신이 지정한 바틱을 선물로 줬고 두 사람은 자신의 인스타그램에도 글을 올렸습니다. 바틱을 입고 소고춤을 연주하는 제 영상이 인도네시아와 한국의 좋은 관계로 여겨졌으면 좋겠습니다. 제 블로그의 2021년 K-커뮤니티 챌린지에 대한 기사: 2021년 K-커뮤니티 챌린지 포스팅: - 우리 커뮤니티에서 (인도네시아/INKOCF): - 인도네시아 한국 문화원: 및 #korea #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KCF #KOFICE #KOCIS #Sogochum #Sogo #소고 #소고춤 #춤 #한국 #indonesia #menari #dance #reels

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[K-Community Challenge] Hallyangmu_Brazil_ABRADACO

[K-Community Challenge] Hallyangmu_Brazil_ABRADACO

This video is our entry for the “K-Community Challenge 2021 - Hallyangmu”. It is a cover challenge where people around the world are invited to learn about Korean traditional arts and share their own performance videos. → Check more about the festival: → Check videos of our practices and also our entry for Sogochum: ✮ About Hallyangmu During the Joseon Dynasty, the term hallyang (or “prodigal men”) was applied to noblemen who did not hold office and therefore did not work for money, but simply idled away their lives enjoying various entertainments. The “Dance of the Prodigal Man” (or Hallyangmu) is one folk dance that has two variations: one in the form of a theatrical performance presenting a particular storyline and the other as solo piece staged mainly for aesthetic purposes. The former is a drama narrated through choreographic movement the story of a prodigal man and an old Buddhist monk as they contest over the heart of a gisaeng courtesan. In the latter variation a male dancer costumed in a robe and hat characteristic of Joseon literati performs gorgeous and elegant movements, usually with a fan, suggesting the stylish and playful lifestyle of a hallyang. There can be different writings or drawings on the fan’s paper. The most common themes in Hallyangmu’s fans are orchids, and bamboos. In our performance, we’ve chosen to include Brazilian elements, as the Golden Trumpet Tree (known as Yellow Ipe - Brazil’s National Flower and also the chosen background for our performance), and also animals of our fauna, like toucan and macaw. Furthermore, we’ve chosen to mix a little of both the dance’s variation: the aesthetic version with a theatrical introduction, but including an element that is very present in our country: a soccer match. ⚽ We hope you enjoy our performance as much as we enjoyed creating it! ♡ ☆ About us ABRADACO, which is the short form of “Associação Brasileira de Dança Tradicional Coreana” (Brazilian Association of Traditional Korean Dance or 브라질한국무용협회) was born in 2017 as we started gathering every Saturday together in Bom Retiro (a Korean neighborhood in Sao Paulo) to learn more about the Korean Traditional Dance. Since then we started rehearsing and performing to help spread the Korean culture we all love. → Follow us on instagram and facebook: @dancacoreana ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀_____________________________ Esse video é nossa inscrição para “K-Community Challenge 2021 - Hallyangmu”. É um desafio de cover onde pessoas do mundo todo são convidadas a aprenderem sobre as artes tradicionais coreanas e compartilham os videos de suas versões. → Saiba mais sobre o festival: → Veja nossos ensaios e também nossa inscrição para o Sogochum: ✮ Sobre Hallyangmu Durante a Dinastia Joseon, o termo hallyang (ou “homens pródigos”) era aplicado para os homens da nobreza que não tinham cargos, portanto não trabalhavam por dinheiro, eles simplesmente passam a vida desfrutando de diversos entretenimentos. A “Dança do Homem Pródigo” (ou Hallyangmu) é uma dança folclórica que tem duas variações: uma forma é uma performance teatral apresentando um enredo e outra com um propósito mais estético. O primeiro é um drama narrado através de movimentos coreografados que narra a história de um homem pródigo e um velho monge budista que lutam para ganhar o coração de uma cortesã ginseng. Já no último, um homem vestido com um traje e chapéu característico dos literatos de Joseon através de movimentos elegantes e graciosos, geralmente usando um leque, sugerindo o estilo de vida estiloso. Pode ter diferentes escritos ou desenhos no papel do leque. Os temas mais comuns nos leques do Hallyangmu são orquídeas e bambus. Em nossa apresentação, optamos por incluir elementos brasileiros, como o Ipê Amarelo (a planta nacional do Brasil e que também foi o cenário escolhido para essa performance), além de animais de nossa fauna, como o tucano e a arara. Além disso, optamos por misturar um pouco das duas variações da dança: a versão elegante junto com uma introdução teatral, porém incluindo um elemento bem presente em nosso país: uma partida de futebol. ⚽ Esperamos que vocês gostem de nossa apresentação tanto quanto gostamos de cria-la! ♡ ☆ Sobre nós ABRADACO - que é a versão abreviada “Associação Brasileira de Dança Tradicional Coreana” (브라질한국무용협회) - nasceu em 2017 quando nos começamos a nos reunir todo sábado no Bom Retiro (bairro coreano em São Paulo) para aprender mais sobre a dança tradicional coreana. Desde então começamos a ensaiar e realizar performances para ajudar a espalhar a cultura coreana que tanto amamos. → Sigam-nos no instagram e facebook: @dancacoreana ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀_____________________ #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS #Its_K_traditional_time
[K-Community Challenge] Hallyangmu_México_Tockpop Maira y Fabian

[K-Community Challenge] Hallyangmu_México_Tockpop Maira y Fabian

Esta es nuestra participación para el K-Community challenge, representando el tradicional baile con abanicos "Hallyangmu". Aprovechando que se acercan nuestras fechas patrias, quisimos aprovechar los matices mexicanos de nuestra bonita ciudad de Irapuato, Gto. Al igual que representamos la coreografía con este hermoso vestido blanco de Veracruz, ya que en su vestuario suelen portar un abanico y el corte del vestido nos parece uno de los más bonitos de nuestro país y se uso el traje de charro azul de Jalisco ya que es uno de los más simbólicos y reconocidos a Nuriel mundial. Todo esto lo hacemos mucho respeto con el fin de poder confinar las hermosas tradiciones coreanas y mexicanas. Esperamos que lo disfruten. Agradecemos al Ballet Folklorico IMCAR de Irapuato por la renta de los vestuarios. A Manuel Martínez por su apoyo en la grabación. Pero sobre todo a Fer Maldonado por habernos apoyado en el montaje de la coreografía y el gran apoyo en el día de grabación. Y los organizadores de K-Community Festival por organizar este concurso. Sin ustedes esto no hubiera sido posible. Muchas gracias! 💜 Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook:​​ Instagram:​​ __________________________________________________________ This is our participation for the K-Community challenge, representing the traditional fan dance "Hallyangmu". Taking advantage of our national dates approaching, we wanted to take advantage of the Mexican nuances of our beautiful city of Irapuato, Gto. As we represent the choreography with this beautiful white dress from Veracruz, since in their wardrobe they usually carry a fan and the cut of the dress seems to us one of the most beautiful in our country and the blue charro suit from Jalisco was used since It is one of the most symbolic and recognized in the world Nuriel. We do all this with great respect in order to be able to confine the beautiful Korean and Mexican traditions. We hope you enjoy it. We thank the IMCAR Folklorico Ballet of Irapuato for the rental of the changing rooms. To Manuel Martínez for his support in the recording. But above all to Fer Maldonado for having supported us in the assembly of the choreography and the great support on the day of recording. And the organizers of K-Community Festival for organizing this contest. Without you this would not have been possible. Thank you! #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS

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