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K-Community Challenge!

Please have a look at these videos of participants below!

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Thank you for being a part of K-Community Challenge!

Please have a look at these videos of participants below!

[K-Community Challenge] K-Percussion Performance_Indonesia_The Saudari

[K-Community Challenge] K-Percussion Performance_Indonesia_The Saudari

Hi All ! Good Day ! We are The Saudari, 5 Indonesian Saudari; Saudari means Sister (Rizky, Riyani, Delima, Yanna, Brenda) who love Art and Culture 😀 We are part of 2 communities; - INKOCF (Indonesia Korea Cultural Family) And - Gukso Haebaragi We hope you enjoy our K-Community Challenge's video in category K-Percussion Performance 😀 On some part of this video we show to the audience about Indonesian and Korean Art Culture such as below; - Rizky wearing Samulnori Performance Costum - Yanna & Riyani wearing Samulnori Costum upside - Delima & Brenda wearing Batik (Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth) Yanna, Riyani, Delima, Brenda wearing Scrunchie Headband (with Indonesian flag color; red and white) 00.59 Riyani with Gendang (two-headed drum used by people from the Indonesian Archipelago) 01.00 Brenda with Indonesian modification Flag (Red and White) 01.04 Delima with Seruling (Indonesian Traditional musical instruments from the family woodwind instruments or made of bamboo) 01.08 Rizky with Danso (Korean notched, end-blown vertical bamboo flute) 01.09 Rizky with Buk (Korean Traditional Drum) 01.18 Yanna & Riyani with Talchum Mask Dance (Korean dance performed while wearing a mask, and often involves singing and dancing) 01.19 Delima and Brenda with Selendang Dance (Indonesian Traditional Dance with long Shawl) 01.20 Yanna with Sogo (Korean small drum—it is a double-headed hand-held drum played with a beater) 01.21 Brenda with Sogeum (Korean small bamboo transverse flute) 01.22 Yanna with Buchaechum Fan (Korean fan dance originating from various traditional and religious Korean dances) 01.23 Brenda with Batik Fan (Indonesian Traditional Fan with a Batik cloth) 01.24 Rizky with Kwaenggari (Korean small flat gong used primarily in the folk music of Korea) 01.27 50th KOREA INDONESIA FRIENDSHIP "CLOSER FRIENDSHIP, STRONGER PARTNERSHIP" Ending 01.41 Trailer Behind The Scene & Supporter Special Thanks to; - Korean Embassy in Indonesia (shooting place) - Hanbape (Korean Samulnori community who allow us to practice at their studio) - Ibnu, Meri, Nicka (Supporter while shooting process) Backsound Music by: KARD - ICKY Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe 😀 🇮🇩🇰🇷 #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS #TheSaudari #INKOCF #GuksoHaebaragi
[K-Community Challenge] K-Percussion Performance_Indonesia_Yanna #kcommunity_challenge

[K-Community Challenge] K-Percussion Performance_Indonesia_Yanna #kcommunity_challenge

안녕하세요 여러분~ 저는 K-Percussion (K-타악) 장르의 K-Community Challenge에 참여하고 있습니다. 한국타악공연은 한국의 전통 타악기 장단에 현대적인 연주 스타일을 결합한 매혹적인 공연 예술입니다. 올해는 인도네시아와 한국이 수교 50주년을 기념하는 해로 한국 한복(흰색 저고리)과 인도네시아 바틱(빨간 바틱)을 섞어서 입어요. 바틱은 인도네시아 전통의상 중 하나로, 한복은 한국의 전통의상으로 알려져 있습니다. 인도네시아 국기는 빨간색과 흰색 두 개의 가로 띠가 있는 단순한 바이컬러입니다. 그래서 흰색 저고리와 빨간색 바틱 스커트를 사용합니다. 인도네시아 전통의상은 한국의 옷과 정말 잘 어울리네요! 신기해요!! 저는 전통 의상뿐만 아니라 한국 전통 머리핀 외에 빨간색과 흰색의 머리핀도 사용합니다. K-타악기 공연뿐만 아니라 탈춤, 부채춤, 소고춤 등 한국 전통춤도 살짝 보여드리는 모습을 보실 수 있습니다. 저는 북악기와 장구악기를 사용하여 K-타악 연주를 합니다. 여러분은 즐기시기 바랍니다! 저를 좋아하고 응원하고 싶으시다면 제 영상을 좋아요, 댓글, 공유해 주세요! 감사합니다! 저는 이전에 삼고무에 대해 배웠고 정말 좋아합니다. 북 악기에 대해서도 배우는 것을 좋아하지만 우리 나라(인도네시아)에서는 배울 수 있는 곳이 없기에 배울 기회가 없습니다. 유튜브에서도 못찾겠어요. 그래서 KCF에서 배울 때 너무 기분이 좋아요!! 저도 어제 북 공연(2023 한국문화여행페스티벌 행사)에 이 Kard Icky K 타악 공연을 했습니다. 여기서는 즐겁고 유쾌하고 강한 북 퍼포먼스를 보여드리려고 노력합니다!! 그리고 저는 많은 사람들로부터, 심지어 어린 아이들로부터도 많은 지지와 박수를 받았다고 느낍니다! 제 북공연과 함께 춤을 추는데, 한국 타악기 공연을 선보일 수 있어서 너무 기뻐요! 저는 KCF로부터 배울 점이 정말 가치 있다고 생각합니다. 감사합니다!! 다음 영상에서 저의 퍼포먼스 영상을 보실 수 있습니다. Hello everyone~ I am participating in K-Community Challenge with genre K-Percussion Performance. Korean Percussion Performance is a captivating performing art that combines a modern performance style with traditional Korean percussion rhythms. Since this year Indonesia and Korea commemorate 50 years of friendship, i mix matching Korean hanbok (white jeogori) with Indonesian Batik (red batik). Batik is one of Indonesian traditional clothes, while we know Hanbok is Korean traditional clothes. The national flag of Indonesia is a simple bicolor with two horizontal bands, red and white, that's why i use white jeogori and red batik skirt. Indonesian traditional clothes really blend and can match Korean's very well, amazing!! Not only i use traditional clothes, i also use hair clip with red and white color beside of Korean traditional hair clip. Not only showing K-Percussion Performance, you can see me shows a bit of Korean Traditional Dance such as Talchum, Buchaechum, Sogochum. I use Buk and Janggu instruments to do this K-Percussion Performance. Hope you enjoy! Please like, comment and share my video if you like and want to support me! Thank you! ♥♥♥ I learned about Samgomu before and i love it so much, i also love to learn about Buk instrument but have no chance to learn because nowhere i can learn it in my country (indonesia). i can't find it too on youtube. So, when i learn from KCF, i feels so happy!! I also use this Kard Icky Kpercussion Performance to my buk performance yesterday (Korea Culture and Travel Festival 2023 Event). I try to shows fun, cheerful and strong buk performance here!! And i feels that i got many support and applause from peoples, even from young kids! They dance alongside my buk performance and it makes me happy i can shows Korean Percussion performance! I feel really worth it to learn from KCF. Thank you!! You can see my performance video in my next video~ #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #It's_K_traditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS #ICKY #ICKYCHALLENGE #KARD #KARDICKY #KOREANPERCUSSION KCommunity Festival KCommunity Challenge #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #KOCIS
[ k-community challenge 2023] JOSEON POP - ‘박타령’ BY 동백밭 (MEXICO)    #Its_Ktraditional_time

[ k-community challenge 2023] JOSEON POP - ‘박타령’ BY 동백밭 (MEXICO) #Its_Ktraditional_time

※영상 제목: [K-Community Challenge] 장르_국가_팀 이름 예) [K-Community Challenge] Taekwonmu_Poland_Keunsoriro ※필수 해시태그: #KCF #kcommunity_challenge #kcommunity_festival #Its_Ktraditional_time #KOFICE #kocis Hello, we are "동백밭": We are originally from Jalisco, Mexico. While making this cover of the song 박타령 Bak-Taryeong we wanted to express a mix of traditions from Mexico and Korea. For this cover, the genre we are singing is Joseon Pop. Joseon Pop has its origin in 국악 Gugak, Korean traditional music, and its combination with pop, rock, or R&B music. We must mention that Gugak is conformed by different genres such as 판소리 Pansori, 민요 Minyo, and 풍물 Pulmung. In this case, the song Bak-Taryeong belongs to the Pansori genre. Pansori is a form of theatrical narration, which is why we decided to add a small verse about our country Mexico to the song. Likewise, we decided to add 추임새 Chuimsae, which are expressions of excitement. The Chuimsae that are on our cover are 얼쑤 Eolssu, 좋지 Johji, 그렇지 Geureohji, and 잘한다 Jalhanda. We carefully chose our costumes, using the colors of the Mexican flag in a modern hanbok style. We made our own 노리개 Norigae, combining different knot techniques such as 도래매듭 Dorae-maedeub, 생쪽매듭 Saengjjok-maedeub, and 동심결매듭 Dongshimgyeol-maedeub. For the video making, we looked for places in our city that could highlight our art and culture. We still have a lot to learn and we'll continue to do so. We also want to thank Seoeuichul Gadan, teacher Marron, and Nancy for coming to our city and teaching us about Gugak. It was such an honor to be part of your classes and learn more about this wonderful art. Thanks to them we were encouraged to participate in this contest to continue promoting Gugak in Mexico. Long live the traditional arts! 만세!
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4F, 10, World Cup buk-ro 58-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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