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August 22, 2024 (Thursday) to September 22, 2024 (Sunday), 24:00 (KST)



Korean Culture Challenge with SF9, BEBE, and EPEX!

We welcome everyone who is interested in, or curious about Korea.

The winning team will be awarded a pre-paid 8-day long trip to Korea, along with the opportunity to perform onstage at the K-Community Festival in November.


The K-Community Challenge is an online video challenge where participants learn about Korean culture, then create and share their own videos on the theme. Choose one of the four genres, create a fantastic performance video, and share it.

We look forward to seeing your creative videos, that not only reflect Korean culture but also incorporate your own traditions as well.









  • 조선팝은 “조선”과 “팝”의 합성어로, 전통적인 한국 음악의 특징들을 현대 팝 요소들과 혼합한 퓨전 음악입니다.

  • 악단광칠의 <와대버> 역시 이런 조선팝 중 하나로, 전통요 "는실타령"에 기반하여 신나고 리듬감 있게 일상의 고난을 마주하고, 근심을 놓아버리는 위로의 내용을 담고 있습니다.

  • KCF 공식 유튜브 채널에서 강습 및 가이드 영상을 보고  와대버를 배워 나만의 영상을 만들어 공유해보세요.

  • 상단의 음표 아이콘과 문서 아이콘을 클릭하면 '악단광칠'의 <와대버> 음원과 가사지를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.

  • 영상에 안무를 추가하거나 전통 의상, 한국과 관련된 소품들을 활용하여 더 독창적인 영상을 만들어 보세요.


접수기간   2024. 8. 22.(목) ~ 9. 22.(일), 24:00(KST)

수상자 발표   2024. 10월 중 *일정 변동 예정

우승팀 초청 기간   2024. 10. 29.(화) ~ 11. 05.(화) *예정

K-커뮤니티 페스티벌 일정 및 장소   2024. 11. 02.(토) YES24 라이브홀, 대한민국


전 세계에서 활동하는 K-커뮤니티

한국 문화에 관심 많은 개인과 단체 누구나


※ 신규 커뮤니티 결성 및 지원 가능
※ 개인 참가 가능
※ 주한 외국인 참여 가능
(한국 체류자는 우승 시에도 항공권은 제공하지 않음)
※ 우승으로 인한 특전 혜택은 최대 5명으로 제한함(한식 과목은 최대 2명)


<K-커뮤니티 페스티벌> 공식 유튜브 채널 구독

​숏폼 챌린지 참가 안내

2024 K-커뮤니티 챌린지에는 새롭게 숏폼 챌린지도 추가되었습니다!

조선팝/태권무/소고춤/한식 챌린지 영상의 숏폼 구간을 확인하시고 숏폼 챌린지에 도전하세요!

*모든 과목 숏폼 챌린지만도 참여 가능합니다.

*숏폼 챌린지와 시연 챌린지 모두 참여 가능합니다.

*내국인과 외국인 모두 참여 가능합니다.

*숏폼 챌린지 우승자에게는 소정의 상품이 제공되오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다!


조선팝/태권무/소고춤/한식 챌린지 중 숏폼 구간 및 음원 확인하기

(다운로드 가능)

모든 과목 중복 참여가능

조선팝/태권무/소고춤/한식 챌린지 참여자들은

해당 과목의 숏폼 챌린지도 필수로 참여 후 숏폼 URL을 함께 제출해 주셔야 챌린지 최종 참여 가능합니다.



세부 평가 기준

Aunt Bette's Homemade Pecan Pie
Make It
Rockin’ Rocky Road Ice Cream
Make It
Tom’s Heavenly Apple Strudel
Make It
Joe’s Divine Butter Tarts
Make It

전문성 (35점)

  • 참여 장르의 특성을 잘 이해하고 표현하였는가?

창의성 (20점)

  • 주어진 과제 외 특별한 아이디어를 제시하였는가?

  • 챌린지 영상의 연출(전개, 촬영, 편집, 효과)이 창의적인가?

​심사위원 점수 90점

문화요소 (35점)

  • 현지 문화와의 융합(의상, 소품, 동작, 촬영장소)이 잘 이루어졌는가?

※문화요소 반영 점수는 제출한 영상에 각국의 문화 요소를 아이디어로 포함하여 문화교류를 보여준 팀에 부여합니다.

ex)태권무 안무에 참여국 전통 무술/무용의 동작을 추가로 반영하여 구성 하는 방식

동영상 조회 수 (10점)

우승팀 선정 규모 및 특전


장르별 1팀
(총 3팀)

- 한국 초청(항공, 숙박, 관광 제공)

- K-커뮤니티 페스티벌 무대 공연

- K-아티스트 굿즈(각 팀 1인당 1개)


장르별 1팀
(총 3팀)

-삼성갤럭시 탭

-K-아티스트 굿즈(각 팀당 1개)


장르별 1팀
(총 3팀)


-K-아티스트 굿즈(각 팀당 1개)







  • Joseon-Pop is a fusion of the words "Joseon" and "Pop.", blending traditional Korean music with contemporary popular styles.

  • Akdan Gwangchil’s (ADG7)  is an example of Joseon pop, featuring a lively and rhythmic song that provides comfort by addressing the hardships of daily life and encouraging the release of worries,
    it is inspired by the traditional Korean folk song "Neunsiltaryeong."

  • Watch the tutorial and guide videos on the KCF official YouTube channel to learn "Whatever," and create your own video to share.

  • Click the music note and document icon at the top to download the "Whatever" audio and lyrics for ADG7’s

  •  Enhance your video by adding choreography, traditional costumes, or Korean-themed props to make it even more unique.


Registration Period

August 22, 2024 (Thursday) to September 22, 2024 (Sunday), 24:00(KST)

Winnder Announcement Date

October 2024 (*Date subject to change)

Winner Team Invitation Period

October 29, 2024 (Tuesday) to November 5, 2024 (Tuesday) *Tentative

2024 K-Community Festival Details

November 2, 2024 (Saturday) /Yes24 LIVE HALL, South Korea


K-Communities that are active worldwide

Anyone, whether individuals or groups, with a strong interest in Korean culture


※ New communities can be formed for registration
※ Individual participation is allowed
※ Foreign residents in Korea can participate

      (Airfare will not be provided for participants residing in Korea)
※ Prizes are limited to a maximum of people per group

      (maximum of 2 people for the Hansik challenge)


Subscribe to the official <K-Community Festival> YouTube channel

Video views are considered in the evaluation, so it's better to share the video with your friends!

Short-Form Challenge

The 2024 K-Community Challenge now includes a new Short-Form Challenge!

Check out the short-form segments of the Joseon-pop/Taekwonmu/Sogochm/Hansik Challenge videos and

take part in the Short-From Challenge!

*Challengers who are participating in short-form challenges only, are not required to fill the online form

*Joseon-pop, Taekwonmu, and Sogochum Short-Form Challenges are open to both domestic and international participants!  Hansik Challenge is open only to international Participants.

*Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the Short-Form Challenge, so we encourage widespread participation.


Review the short-form segments and audio of the Joseon Pop, Taekwonmu, Sogochum, and Hansik Challenge videos

For short-form videos, a vertical format is recommended!

When filling out the online application you must also upload your short's URL *Required*


Evaluation Criteria

Detailed Evaluation Criteria


(35 points)

  • Understanding and Execution: Did the participant demonstrate a good understanding of the characteristics of their participating genre


(20 points)

  • Original Ideas: Did the participant present any special ideas beyond the given task? 

  • Creative Direction: Was the challenge video (filming, editing, etc.) creatively produced ?

​Judges' Scores(90 points)

Cultural Elements

(35 points)

  • Integration with Local Culture: How well did the participant integrate local cultural elements (costumes, props, movements, filming location)?​

※Points for cultural elements are awarded based on how well the video incorporates cultural elements from different countries, showcasing cultural exchange.Example: Adding movements from the participant's traditional martial arts or dance to the Taekwondo choreography.

Video Views (10 points)

Benefits for winning teams

Grand prize

One team per genre

(Three teams in total)

- Invitation to Korea (flight, accommodation, tour costs covered)

- Stage performance at K-Community Festival (in November)

- K-Artists' merch (one for each team member


Excellence prize

One team per genre
(Three teams in total)

-Samsung Galaxy Tab

-K-Artists' merch (one for each team member)

Encouragement prize

One team per genre
(Three teams in total)

-K-Culture Variety Box

-K-Artists' merch(one for each team momber

Special prize

-Gift cards

Three teams in total


In case of shipping customs issues with the winning team's country, the benefits may be subject to change.

※ The special benefits awarded for winning are limited to a maximum of 5 people (up to 2 for the Hansik genre).


※ Participants in the Joseon-pop, Taekwonmu, Sogochum and Hansik Challenges must also submit the corresponding Short-Form Challenge.

  • Use official videos and audio sources. 

  • Video upload platform: YouTube or Bilibili views (views from other social media platforms will not be counted). 

  • For demonstration videos, a horizontal format with a resolution of at least 720x480 is recommended. 

  • For short-form videos, a vertical format is recommended. 

  • Participants are responsible for any errors in personal information. If contact is not made after three attempts, awards may be canceled or transferred to the next eligible participant. 

  • Submitted work may be used for public interest purposes by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange, or the K-Community Festival. Participants who do not agree to the use of their submissions by the organizers cannot participate in the Challenge. 

  • Entries using photos, videos, or copyrighted materials belonging to others will be disqualified from the judging process, and any awards will be canceled if such plagiarism is detected. Participants are responsible for any legal issues arising from plagiarism. 

  • Submissions must be original for this competition. Content that was submitted previously cannot be reused. If it is discovered that a winning video was not originally created for this event, the award will be revoked, and the participant may be barred from future competitions. 

  • For the Grand Prize, the agenda for the invitation to Korea may be adjusted due to factors beyond the organizers’ control, such as climate, weather, or natural disasters. 

  • For the Grand Prize team, if participation in the K-Community Festival invitation schedule is not possible, the award may be canceled or rankings may change. Additional costs regarding to one's additional expenses will not be covered, and travel costs from the participant’s residence to the airport will not be supported. 

  • If delivery of the announced prize is not possible due to shipping issues in the participant's country, the prize may be replaced with a comparable item.


  • Submissions made after the deadline.

  • Submissions related to specific individuals, organizations, businesses, or religious groups for profit or promotional purposes. 

  • Submissions that are not related to the given Challenge genres or do not use the Challenge genre's provided track list


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